5 Reasons You Should Tackle Pinterest & Blogging Yourself

If you’ve been following me for any amount of time, you know I’m an avid believer in the power of Pinterest & blogging for wedding pros. Not only have I seen with my own eyes the dream inquiries that come rolling in from these platforms, but I also know how much weight is lifted off my clients’ shoulders when they know they don’t have to rely on Instagram for the longevity & success of their business. If you know the value of Pinterest & blogging, but aren’t sure if you should DIY or outsource it, I gotchu. Here are 5 reasons you should tackle Pinterest & blogging yourself!

You have the time & energy

Coming up (and sticking with) a Pinterest & blogging strategy isn’t for the faint of heart. It can take quite some time developing this aspect of your business, especially if you have no prior experience. But if you’re a wedding creative who has some extra time on their hands, you can absolutely dedicate that time to learning the in’s and out’s of these platforms! Keep in mind, there are two aspects to this: education and strategy. You need to know the technical stuff about Pinterest and SEO blogging, and then create a strategy that will help you reach your business goals. If this sounds like something you can handle, DIY that shit babe. 

You’re still pivoting

Not everyone has a set trajectory for their business, and that’s okay. If you’re still figuring out this whole entrepreneur thing and want the freedom to try out different things, please do so. You can only find what you love through trial and error! If you know the value of Pinterest & blogging but are still at this stage, it’s probably not the best time to outsource it. But it is the perfect time to learn how to do it yourself, so that you can still reap the benefits! 

You haven’t made the recommended investments yet

Listen, I don’t let just anyone become a monthly retainer client. And trust me, I would be a shitty business owner if I did. I only onboard clients who have made specific previous investments before inquiring with me! In fact, I have an entire blog post on Investments You Should Make Before Outsourcing Your Blogging & Pinterest. Honestly, those investments are crucial to the longevity of your business and should definitely be considered before investing in my services. 

You don’t have the budget to outsource

Outsourcing your Pinterest & blogging is not cheap by any means, and not everyone is at the stage where it’s feasible for them. I’ve been at the point where I wanted to have the budget to outsource SO BAD, and convinced myself that I had the budget for it. That put me in a pretty crappy financial situation that I wouldn’t wish on anyone, especially one of my clients. So if you know the benefits of strategic Pinterest & blogging but just don’t have the budget for it. DIY’ing is for sure the way to go.

You love the process

I’m a Pinterest & blogging manager because I f*cking love the process. My love for this job has gotten me through the hard times of being an entrepreneur. If you’ve dabbled into Pinterest & blogging and realized “Hey, I kinda love doing this” then MORE POWER TO YA BABE. Not everyone finds joy in creating a strategy like this, so if you do, take advantage of it. Just make sure you have the proper education so that you’re confident in what you’re tackling! 

Well, those are the 5 reasons you should tackle Pinterest & blogging yourself! If you find yourself resonating with this blog post, don’t be afraid to dip your toes into these powerful marketing platforms.

But just because you’re handling Pinterest & blogging yourself, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have the necessary education. After all, what good is putting in the effort if you don’t know all the facts? If you want to feel confident as f*ck in your Pinterest & blogging skills, I would love for you to book a 90 Minute Pinterest Intensive with yours truly! I love helping wedding creatives like you come up with a custom strategy, and make sure you know the technical side of Pinterest and SEO blogging. To snag your spot this month, you can book one here

If you’ve been following me for any amount of time, you know I’m an avid believer in the power of Pinterest & blogging for wedding pros. Not only have I seen with my own eyes the dream inquiries that come rolling in from these platforms, but I also know how much weight is lifted off my clients’ shoulders when they know they don’t have to rely on Instagram for the longevity & success of their business. If you know the value of Pinterest & blogging, but aren’t sure if you should DIY or outsource it, I gotchu. Here are 5 reasons you should tackle Pinterest & blogging yourself!

You have the time & energy

Coming up (and sticking with) a Pinterest & blogging strategy isn’t for the faint of heart. It can take quite some time developing this aspect of your business, especially if you have no prior experience. But if you’re a wedding creative who has some extra time on their hands, you can absolutely dedicate that time to learning the in’s and out’s of these platforms! Keep in mind, there are two aspects to this: education and strategy. You need to know the technical stuff about Pinterest and SEO blogging, and then create a strategy that will help you reach your business goals. If this sounds like something you can handle, DIY that shit babe. 

You’re still pivoting

Not everyone has a set trajectory for their business, and that’s okay. If you’re still figuring out this whole entrepreneur thing and want the freedom to try out different things, please do so. You can only find what you love through trial and error! If you know the value of Pinterest & blogging but are still at this stage, it’s probably not the best time to outsource it. But it is the perfect time to learn how to do it yourself, so that you can still reap the benefits! 

You haven’t made the recommended investments yet

Listen, I don’t let just anyone become a monthly retainer client. And trust me, I would be a shitty business owner if I did. I only onboard clients who have made specific previous investments before inquiring with me! In fact, I have an entire blog post on Investments You Should Make Before Outsourcing Your Blogging & Pinterest. Honestly, those investments are crucial to the longevity of your business and should definitely be considered before investing in my services. 

You don’t have the budget to outsource

Outsourcing your Pinterest & blogging is not cheap by any means, and not everyone is at the stage where it’s feasible for them. I’ve been at the point where I wanted to have the budget to outsource SO BAD, and convinced myself that I had the budget for it. That put me in a pretty crappy financial situation that I wouldn’t wish on anyone, especially one of my clients. So if you know the benefits of strategic Pinterest & blogging but just don’t have the budget for it. DIY’ing is for sure the way to go.

You love the process

I’m a Pinterest & blogging manager because I f*cking love the process. My love for this job has gotten me through the hard times of being an entrepreneur. If you’ve dabbled into Pinterest & blogging and realized “Hey, I kinda love doing this” then MORE POWER TO YA BABE. Not everyone finds joy in creating a strategy like this, so if you do, take advantage of it. Just make sure you have the proper education so that you’re confident in what you’re tackling! 

Well, those are the 5 reasons you should tackle Pinterest & blogging yourself! If you find yourself resonating with this blog post, don’t be afraid to dip your toes into these powerful marketing platforms.

But just because you’re handling Pinterest & blogging yourself, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have the necessary education. After all, what good is putting in the effort if you don’t know all the facts? If you want to feel confident as f*ck in your Pinterest & blogging skills, I would love for you to book a 90 Minute Pinterest Intensive with yours truly! I love helping wedding creatives like you come up with a custom strategy, and make sure you know the technical side of Pinterest and SEO blogging. To snag your spot this month, you can book one here


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