How to Keep a Consistent Blogging Schedule

Wondering how the heck to keep a consistent blogging schedule? Well, you’ve come to the right place! Considering I blog for wedding pros for a living, I definitely have a tip or two that will help you out. One of the main things you’ll need to develop is a positive mindset around blogging if you ever want to stay consistent with it. So keep that in mind while reading through these tips!

Have a clear strategy

Have you ever sat down to blog and thought “I have no idea what the f*ck I’m doing”? Yeah, that’s the quickest way to shut your computer and go watch Netflix instead. In order to keep a consistent blogging schedule, you have to be confident in your blogging skills. That means knowing a) what you’re blogging about and b) how to blog properly. If you need help with either (or both) of those things, I recommend booking a 60 minute intensive with me so that you can feel 110% confident in your blogging skills and strategy.  

Choose one day out of the week (or month)

Remember, we’re aiming for consistency here! If you haven’t blogged since 2020, it’s probably not realistic for you to consistently blog every week off the bat. Instead, choose one day out of the month to batch 1-3 blogs, and then make progress from there. You can make it a goal to work towards blogging once a week once you’ve been consistent at it for a few months. But until then, look at your schedule at the beginning of every month and choose a day where you know you won’t be shooting, editing, or anything else! 

Choose a time that works best for you

Along with choosing a day out of the week or month, figure out a time that works best for you and your brain. Are you the most productive early in the mornings? Or do you get energy bursts in the evening? Don’t force yourself to be productive at times where your brain is clearly wanting something else. That’s the perfect way to create a negative mindset around blogging – when you feel like you’re forcing yourself to do it. 

Put yourself in the mood

Think about what helps you focus the best. Is it putting on The Office in the background? Lighting a candle? Listening to lo-fi beats? Do whatever you can to create a positive mindset around blogging, and the rest will come naturally. If you work best at your desk, then do that! If you find yourself the most productive in bed, no one’s judging you. Sometimes I get the most productive, creative bursts when I casually have my computer open while I’m chillin’ in bed. Everyone’s workflow is different, so find yours and stick with it. 

Reward yourself afterwards

We’re going for triggering the dopamine center in your brain here, folks. Treat yourself to anything you’d find rewarding after you blog, whether that’s taking a trip to target or having a margarita. Again, we’re working on creating a positive mindset around blogging so that you’ll be consistent with it even when you feel less than motivated! 

Track your progress

What’s more rewarding than seeing your blogging efforts are actually paying off? Softwares like Ubersuggest or Ahrefs are great tools to help you measure your blogging progress. I also recommend including a spot in your contact form asking how the potential client found you, and have Google as an option. That way you can see firsthand the number of couples who book you through your blog posts! 

Those are my tips on how to keep a consistent blogging schedule! I know that it can be tough in the beginning, but just think about all the benefits that blogging can have when you do it right. If you want to make your blogging life a little easier, you can inquire about my 12 week blogging strategy service! It’s a service designed to combine DIY and DFY blogging with a little help from an expert. I give you 12 blog outlines completely customized to you and your business goals, and you can utilize them whenever you decide to sit down and blog. To inquire about that service, you can click here

Wondering how the heck to keep a consistent blogging schedule? Well, you’ve come to the right place! Considering I blog for wedding pros for a living, I definitely have a tip or two that will help you out. One of the main things you’ll need to develop is a positive mindset around blogging if you ever want to stay consistent with it. So keep that in mind while reading through these tips!

Have a clear strategy

Have you ever sat down to blog and thought “I have no idea what the f*ck I’m doing”? Yeah, that’s the quickest way to shut your computer and go watch Netflix instead. In order to keep a consistent blogging schedule, you have to be confident in your blogging skills. That means knowing a) what you’re blogging about and b) how to blog properly. If you need help with either (or both) of those things, I recommend booking a 60 minute intensive with me so that you can feel 110% confident in your blogging skills and strategy.  

Choose one day out of the week (or month)

Remember, we’re aiming for consistency here! If you haven’t blogged since 2020, it’s probably not realistic for you to consistently blog every week off the bat. Instead, choose one day out of the month to batch 1-3 blogs, and then make progress from there. You can make it a goal to work towards blogging once a week once you’ve been consistent at it for a few months. But until then, look at your schedule at the beginning of every month and choose a day where you know you won’t be shooting, editing, or anything else! 

Choose a time that works best for you

Along with choosing a day out of the week or month, figure out a time that works best for you and your brain. Are you the most productive early in the mornings? Or do you get energy bursts in the evening? Don’t force yourself to be productive at times where your brain is clearly wanting something else. That’s the perfect way to create a negative mindset around blogging – when you feel like you’re forcing yourself to do it. 

Put yourself in the mood

Think about what helps you focus the best. Is it putting on The Office in the background? Lighting a candle? Listening to lo-fi beats? Do whatever you can to create a positive mindset around blogging, and the rest will come naturally. If you work best at your desk, then do that! If you find yourself the most productive in bed, no one’s judging you. Sometimes I get the most productive, creative bursts when I casually have my computer open while I’m chillin’ in bed. Everyone’s workflow is different, so find yours and stick with it. 

Reward yourself afterwards

We’re going for triggering the dopamine center in your brain here, folks. Treat yourself to anything you’d find rewarding after you blog, whether that’s taking a trip to target or having a margarita. Again, we’re working on creating a positive mindset around blogging so that you’ll be consistent with it even when you feel less than motivated! 

Track your progress

What’s more rewarding than seeing your blogging efforts are actually paying off? Softwares like Ubersuggest or Ahrefs are great tools to help you measure your blogging progress. I also recommend including a spot in your contact form asking how the potential client found you, and have Google as an option. That way you can see firsthand the number of couples who book you through your blog posts! 

Those are my tips on how to keep a consistent blogging schedule! I know that it can be tough in the beginning, but just think about all the benefits that blogging can have when you do it right. If you want to make your blogging life a little easier, you can inquire about my 12 week blogging strategy service! It’s a service designed to combine DIY and DFY blogging with a little help from an expert. I give you 12 blog outlines completely customized to you and your business goals, and you can utilize them whenever you decide to sit down and blog. To inquire about that service, you can click here


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